

Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) houses sophisticated state-of-the-art analytical instruments and software tools centrally for carrying out cutting-edge research in various scientific and technological domains. The objective of the CIF is to create modern test-beds for providing analytical instrumentation supports to all Science and Technology departments of USTM. The service of CIF is extended to all other Academic & Research institutions, Laboratories and Industries of the country. In addition CIF Provide teaching and research supports to post graduate students & researchers of all science and technology departments in USTM. Another objective of the CIF is to organize Workshop, seminars, Training etc. in the focused areas for Research Scholars and Laboratory staffs for upgrading their knowledge and skill. Its vision is to continuously upgrade and maintain state-of-the-art instruments facility for excellence in research. 

service process


The state-of-the-art instruments facility in CIF can be availed by all PG students, research scholars, faculties and staff member of USTM involving in research work. Further, CIF welcomes research communities of all Academic/Research institutes, Laboratories and Industries of the country to use the facility. To avail the Instrument facility in CIF the candidate has to submit duly signed “Service requisition form” to the in charge of CIF. The candidate must attach the payment detail (DD, Cheque, online transfer) of prescribed fees and taxes along with the service requisition form and sample. No analysis will be performed without the prior payment of fees prescribed. The CIF will not be responsible for any loss, damage of the sample occurred during the transit through post, and analysis is subject to receiving sample in good condition. Analysis of samples will be completed within 10 working days (average) from the date of receiving the sample, and the analytical data obtained will be provided to the applicant by email or by hand. If the sample after analysis is required to be sent to the user, then the respective postal charges (as per the rate of Speed Post, India Post) have to be paid by the user in advance. User is requested to add the correct amount of sample return charge (if necessary) in the DD/Cheque/online payment made. The CIF will not be responsible for any loss/damage/ alteration of sample during the process of analysis. In any case the CIF will not keep the data more than one month from the date of analysis. Any specific consumables required for particular analysis has to be managed by the candidate himself.