
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)

Model/Make: iCE 3500  AA System VP 100 Thermo Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Chemistry, Physics, Biotech, Pharmacy, Botany


  • Element specific estimation of substances in a sample

Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer

Name: Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometer

Model/Make: TRACE 1300 ISQ 7000 ThermoFisher Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Chemistry, Biotech, Pharmacy, Zoology, Botany


  • Identification and quantification of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in complex mixtures
  • Determination of molecular weights and elemental compositions of unknown organic compounds in complex mixtures

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Model/Make: Ultimate 3000 ThermoFisher Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Chemistry, Physics, Biotech, Pharmacy, Zoology, Botany


  • Separation and analysis of ingredients in a liquid sample

Water Purification System

Make/Model: ThermoFisher Scientific / Smart2Pure

Beneficiary: All R&D departments @ USTM.

Use(s): Generating Type 1 and Type II Water for R&D purposes

Thermo Gravimetric- Differential Thermal Analyzer

Model/Make: STA 2500 Regulus NATZSCH

Beneficiary Departments: Physics, Biotech, Pharmacy, Chemistry


  • Analysis of heat and phase changes of a molecule

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer

Model/Make: FTIR–7600  Lambda Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Chemistry, Biotech, Pharmacy, Physics, Botany, Food Technology


  • Determination of functionalities in a molecule
  • Confirming the identity of pure compounds

uv-visible spectrophotometer

Model/Make: UV 1900 SHIMADZU

Beneficiary Departments: Chemistry, Physics, Biotech, Pharmacy, Botany


  • Analysis of excitation, kinetics and transition states of a molecule

phase contrast Microscope

Model/Make: iScope, IS.3153-PLFi/6 Euromex

Beneficiary Departments: Zoology, Pharmacy, Biotech, Botany


  • View and analyse images of transparent and colourless specimen 
  • Microscopy techniques in cell culture and live cell imaging

Fluorescence Microscope

Model/Make: EVOS M5000 ThermoFisher 

Beneficiary Departments: Zoology, Pharmacy, Biotech, Botany, Physiotheraphy, Medical Sciences


  • View and analyse images of both colourless specimen and stained slides
  • Can analyse dell activity ranging from slides to culture flasks and petri dish
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E-Gel Imager System

Make/Make: G 8100 Invitrogen, ThermoFisher

Beneficiary Departments: Zoology, Pharmacy, Biotech, Botany, Physiotheraphy, Medical Sciences


  • Analysis of proteins, Antibodies and Nucleic acid immobilized on precast gel

Real Time PCR

Model/Make: Applied Biosystems Quant Studio 3

ThermoFisher Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Medical purpose, Pharmacy, Biotech


  • Detection of expressed genes
  • Examination of transcript variants 
  • Protein and RNA analysis 
  • Mutation detection Biomarker analysis

Haematology Analyzer

Model/Make: Erba H560 ERBA Mannheim

Beneficiary Departments: Medical purpose, Pharmacy, Biotech


  • 5- Differential Testing of blood samples

Automated Rotary Microtome

Model/Make: HM 355 S Thermo Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Zoology, Pharmacy, Biotech, Physiotheraphy, Medical Sciences

Use(s): Preparation of thin layer samples for microscopic analysis


Model/Make: Borg LF 3gi Borg Scientific

Beneficiary Departments: Biotech, Food Technology, Chemistry


  • Providing optimum environment for analysis of microbial growth; sterilization of microbial samples